How Long Does Credentialing Take

How Long Does Credentialing Take
How Long Does Credentialing Take
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How long does credentialing take? that is the billion dollar question I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked that question uh by president or or CEO of an organization uh because we all like to know how long it’s going to take and it’s a bit of a loaded question and the answer not exact as you POS possibly would like but the bottom line is this the the credentialing process takes as long as the insurance companies want it to um you know it really depends on what deliverables that the insurance Representatives on the front line have and if they have 10 deliverables that are more important than adding another organization to the network then typically you can get delayed um you know when I first started this uh credentialing and and Contracting you know nearly 20 years ago the process was quick it was you know it was 90 days sometimes we get it in 60 days from start to execution and unfortunately that’s just not the case anymore um we have providers nationally we have saturated markets we have different specialty and niches to continue to try and present to insurance companies so there are a lot of there are a lot of restrictions now in place for for good reason uh and so we have to kind of navigate those uh those restrictions we have to we have to you know meet with the insurance companies that you know when they’re available and we try to do our our best to speed up the process here’s what I can tell you that that we at Sarge Collective will help you speed it up that’s the best I can tell you so we typically Target about a six-month uh process if we come in under six months then we are happy if there’s a consultant out there that’s telling you that they can do it quicker than that um you know I’ll just say that uh that maybe their crystal ball is a little bit better than mine but I will tell you that we will get it done uh quickly we will get it done more quick than you can get it done for yourself um you know we have a different an insurance company you know Executives and and representatives that we are connected with and you know Folks at the insurance companies that we’ve been working with for a very long time and so sometimes when there is a delay we have phone calls that we can make we have emails that we can send we have visits that we can make and so uh so there are ways to speed it up um you know again we don’t ever want uh a credentialing or or Contracting uh procedure to take you know beyond 12 months uh it’s unacceptable for us if that’s ever the case and so as we near six months if we’re not uh if we’re not looking good if we haven’t had you know rates established credentialing approved contract pending accreditation pending whatever the case may be uh then then we’re back to the drawing board ourselves to figure it out so so that’s what we’re going to do we’re gonna we’re gonna meet with you we’re gonna keep you updated every step of the way you get a very detailed report if we hear back from the insurance companies you will uh if there’s progress made you will know if there’s a barrier you’ll know that too if there is a a mistake a challenge a correction anything that’s uh that’s adjusted on the insurance side we’re going to make sure that you know that too in real time so that’s what we can offer you uh and uh so give us a call and you know and let’s try to figure that out uh let’s uh let’s talk about what the process potentially looks like we do know which areas uh Coast to Coast are going to move a little bit faster there are uh you know some different regions around the country that are less saturated than others we know based on the insurance company relationships that we have which is a a very large book of business we know what what regions are um are deficient uh or in need of certain Specialties uh certain you know organizations will make adjustments and try to fill those needs you know wherever possible and so so that’s what we’ll do we’ll bring you we’ll bring you the information Nation you need to make a good educated decision as an organization we will help you with that and and that’s what we take pride in we take pride in helping the the little guy the big guy we we take pride in helping you know good providers good solid providers those that are those that are that are aligned philosophically in doing the right thing you know that’s what we try to identify and create on the front end and and once we uh can create that partnership between us between Sarge Collective and the organization from there it’s uh you know from there it’s uh it’s it’s smooth sailing um you know for the most part it’s smooth sailing uh and when it’s not uh we’ll make sure to adjust the sales so give us a call and uh and let’s do business
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130 Rhum Rd,
Kerrville, TX 78028
Monday: 7AM–7PM
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