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Collective had the success that we’ve had uh what I feel that Sarge Collective has done uh better than than most people that have attempted it is we have created an environment where a provider who has a service but doesn’t necessarily understand the verbiage doesn’t necessarily understand the process can come to us and we can lay out exactly what they’re going to need in order to take this next step now what we are aware of is we follow very closely the regulations we follow what accreditation looks like what compliance looks like and all the data that supports that but we also provide an opportunity for providers to ask questions this is your organization all right and this is our area of expertise so if you want a seat at the table and you want to have those tough conversations those those conversations that matter to the insurance companies what are insurance companies looking for what do they want in a provider um you know what are they what are they going to change tomorrow that is it going to affect you a year from now right and so what we do at Sarge Collective is we are the middleman but we are also representing an approach that sets everyone up for Success you know we want the providers to know the insurance company policy we we want them to understand the procedure we want them to understand the metrics we want some to understand what barriers exist we want everybody to to come together and and have those Collective conversations to where the patient the patient is the one that succeeds data exists to drive the bus we can all come up with opinions and hypotheses and theories and proposals and projections but if the the data is not there and and the understanding by by both parties exactly what we’re facing then really nothing else matters and so here at Sarge Collective you know we want to we want to bring both sides together um that is what we specialize in we specialize in in in answering the tough questions and making sure that both sides of the table understand that those answers must match up with the target goals and uh and so that’s what we’re going to try to bring to the table so we want you to give us a call we want you to ask those tough questions we want to tell you what barriers are going to exist we want to tell you what we believe is going to take place a year from now three years from now and 10 years from now and and we base all those answers on on study we base all those answers on on meetings and and collaborative uh talks and and conference calls and board table meetings where we’re providers good providers healthy providers sophisticated providers Sid as well and so uh we want everybody we want everybody at that table to be on the same page a playing field exists right it exists it exists between the good guys and and we want to make sure that here at Sarge Collective that that we bring that table together that we bring those talks together that that there is understanding at the end and uh so that’s what we’re going to do so give us a call and let’s help you figure that out let’s let’s help you answer those tough questions and and let’s help you figure out what to ask we know what you should ask insurance companies we do um and we’re going to tell you insurance companies are they’re going to come back with with with tough problems uh tough challenges and and things that we’re going to have to all overcome together and so um I believe that that if we if we can sit down together and we can hash that out together then we can all come up with a goal um and then we can Target that goal together
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