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Why Hire A Professional

Why Hire A Professional
Why Hire A Professional
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Why hire a professional? Well let’s see. I would not hire any professional it’s important to hire the right professional and I can’t stress this enough um you know someone can can complete an application I submit it to the insurance company and get it approved and then immediately feel that maybe they could do that professionally and so uh so some folks set out and and represent themselves as a consultant and that’s okay by all means you know my son 18 year old son recently learned to to make eggs and he’s not a chef and nor would you want him to prepare any other meal other than eggs and even then I might question it uh so my point being is that look the right professional is the key so what we have at Sarge Collective is uh we have a group of individuals that insurance companies like to work with I’ve been working with insurance companies you know the majority of my professional life um you know since I finished school and got into Health Care you know I have been working on relationships with insurance companies and and trying to uh increase the the length of that list and and the strength of those relationships and so um so that is what we do at Sarge Collective is we give you access to those individuals um I started you know nearly 20 years ago in in health care and and connected with some insurance company representatives and and as I advanced in my career those individuals Advance the ranks of insurance companies so you know and and so those are those are strong relationships so hiring the right professional the right consultant is is important you want to make sure that you connect with them and that you trust the information that you’re getting so one of the things that we provided at Sarge Collective is we have data so so I have data in every region from California to New York to Florida to Texas to Arizona uh throughout the Midwest I know exactly what rates look like I can tell you the fluctuation of rates uh from from it from each side of the State uh you know and I can show you exactly what you may be looking at in terms of reimbursement there are fee schedules there are contract rates there are rate negotiations that that typically only exist for larger larger organizations well Sarge collectives we get even the small guy the opportunity to negotiate their rates and so uh so those are the things that you want you want accuracy you want professionalism you want somebody that you trust and so insurance companies they like working with uh with professionals most of them uh they like working with professionals because we do simplify the process if you are going in network work or attempting to go and network on your own a lot of times there’s there’s uncertainty there’s confusion and that creates you know mistakes and errors and so that delays the process and and so insurance companies like to work with folks that uh that know what they’re doing um and so that’s what we can do for you and and that’s what we’re going to do we’re we’re going to give you everything we’re going to give you everything to make a decision um you make the decisions we don’t uh all we do is we provide access to the decision makers the shot callers that the insurance companies will give you the seat at that table and then you decide what’s best for you your organization so don’t hire just any professional hire the right one give me a call and give me a chance to prove to you that uh that here at Sarge collectives we are the right professionals
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Saurage Collective
130 Rhum Rd,
Kerrville, TX 78028
Monday: 7AM–7PM
Tuesday: 7AM–7PM
Wednesday: 7AM–7PM
Thursday: 7AM–7PM
Friday: 7AM–7PM
Saturday: 7AM–7PM
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